PHPULSE | Primary Healthcare Physicians Update and Learning through Scientific Engagement

September 21, Thursday
6:00pm - 8:00pm
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Session 1
Topic 1: Optimizing BPH Management for Elderly Patients
Speaker: Dr. Ricardo Paulo Yusay

Topic 2: Connecting the Dots in Dementia Care
Speaker: Dr. Steven Gayoles Villaraza

Session 2
Topic 1: Surviving the ‘Ber’ Months: Managing Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) During the Holiday Season
Speaker: Dr. Eric Yasay

Topic 2: Unveiling the Path to Relief: Diabetic Neuropathy Management
Speaker: Dr. Anna Lizza Manalac

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Meeting ID: 980 6391 7998
Passcode: HI-Eisai