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Adverse Drug Reaction

Any of the adverse reactions listed below may occur. Therefore, patients receiving this drug treatment should be carefully monitored, and if any abnormalities are noted, appropriate measures should be taken including discontinuation of this drug treatment.

0.1% to <5%

Frequency unknown

Gastrointestinal Abdominal distension, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, inappetence, thirst Nausea, constipation, abdominal pain, vomiting, eructation, heartburn, etc.
Renal   Increased BUN, increased blood creatinine, etc.
Metabolic   Increased blood ammonia, etc.
Hepatic   Increased AST, increased ALT, increased T-Bil, etc.
Dermatological   Rash, pruritus, etc.
Others   Malaise, edema (face, lower limb, etc.), redness, hot flush

Reporting of suspected adverse drug reactions
Please contact:
HI-Eisai Pharmaceutical, Inc.
+63 2 88875837 / +63 2 88875160 / +63 9088672236
Or Report to FDA Philippines:


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